VISIT TO SARAI: First installment
I am currently in India, researching media art forms and where/how they fit in to community cultural development practice. The place where my research began is a Delhi based organization called Sarai – a division of the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies. After five weeks of eating, breathing, excreting and scratching my way through India…I finally visited Sarai, and the experience was fascinating. In keeping with my overall experience of India, my plans and expectations were left at the door in a small box labelled ‘Redundant’. No, redundant is not right…more like ‘It will be what it will be and be open to that’. So that’s what I did, and strangely, in retrospect, the result was exactly what I would have wanted it be.
I met incredible people, listened to conversations that questioned the very nature of my research, and was given some tools that I am positive will be invaluable in my future practice.
Second instalment coming soon…